Nobleton Community Church
29084 Sentinel Street PO Box 224
Nobleton, Florida 34661

Rev. Paul V. Lehmann, Pastor


Nobleton Community Church
Date December 22, 2024
TEXT: Isaiah 53:2; Zephaniah 3: 14-17 Luke 2:1-20
Pastor Paul Lehmann

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If you travel to the Northwest of the United States you may come to a road sign that reads; “Continental Divide.’ At this point the watershed of the North American Continent is found. A drop of water falling on the eastern side begins to journey toward the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico. A drop of rain on the western side flows to the Pacific Ocean. The birth of Jesus Christ is the “ watershed” of human history. It divides the events of the past and the future. It was the great and pivotal event of history. When Jesus Christ began his public ministry, word drifted back to his hometown about his teaching and miracles. Had there been a newspaper in Nazareth, it might have run the headline “Local Boy Makes Good.” He was growing in fame and renown. But when Jesus preached in Nazareth, his townspeople rejected both him and his claims. They could not accept as Messiah one whom they had known as a carpenter. They could not follow one as King whom they had viewed as a fellow citizen. Jesus said, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country” (Mark 6:4 RSV). Mark records the reaction of Jesus’ hometown in the words, “Many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get all this? “What is the wisdom given to him? What mighty works are wrought by his hands!” (vs. 2 RSV).In other words, they sought to accunt for him in human relationships and human terms. Our text for this Christmas Sunday says: “For he grew up before him… a root out of dry ground.” Dry ground suggest hard, arid soil, a most unlikely place for a plant to grow and flourish. It suggests 1. Unexpectedly. Jesus came, not full grown as expected, but as a tiny baby. He was born not in a palace or a mansion, but in a manger. like 12. Miraculously. He was born of a virgin mother. 3.Unaccountably. A gardener prepares the soul for planting and then keeps the ground moist and soft. If a plant grows out of a dry ground or in the crevice of a mountain, it is shriveled and stunted. Jesus grew as a root out of dry ground, but he was no frail weakling. He was the Fairest of Ten Thousand. He was Cedar of Lebanon in strength. He was the Lily of the Valley in purity and fragrance. He was the Rose of Sharon in glory and beauty. He was the best, the noblest and the highest, and the holiest of humankind. Look at the soil from which Jesus grew. You could no more account for him from that soil than you could account for the vigorous growth of a flower in a parking lot. I. NOTHING IN HIS FAMILY COULD ACCOUNT FOR JESUS Heredity is a real factor in our lives. We sometimes make too much of it, but it is a part of our makeup. We not only inherit physical and facial characteristics, but also mental gifts and personal charm. A study of Christ’s ancestry does northing to explain him. As Carol read in Zephaniah there was nothing about his physical characteristics that would have caused [people to be attracted to him. He was a descendant of King David, but so were multitudes of others. God saw that he grew up in a good family, but no other child in the family compared with him. II NOTHING IN HIS ENVIRONMENT COULD ACCOUNT FOR JESUS. Next to heredity our environment contributes most to what we are. The atmosphere in which we live and the company we keep have an influence on us. Jesus grew up in an ordinary village. His trade was that of a peasant carpenter. There was nothing in his upbringing that would explain him. So far as his environment was concerned, he was a “root out of the ground.” III.NOTHING IN THE TIME IN WHICH HE LIVED COULD ACCOUNT FOR JESUS. There have been many times in history when several geniuses in literature or music or government lived at the same time. But never was there a genius like Jesus. The time in which Jesus lived was a barren time. For four hundred years there had been no prophetic voice. Formal religion was 2filled with legalism and hypocrisy. As far as fresh religious thought and revelation were concerned, he was “a root out of dry ground.” IV. NOTHING IN HIS RACE OR NATIONALITY COULD ACCOUNT FOR JESUS. He was a Jew. The Jews had a genius for religion. They excelled in law, wisdom, poetry, and prophecy. They produced men like Abraham, Moses, David Solomon, Elijah and Elisha, Isaiah, Jerimiah, and Paul. But there was not another like Jesus. As far as his nation was concerned, he was a “root out of dry ground.” However, there was nothing exclusively Jewish about Jesus. It is true that he loved his country, Jerusalem, and the temple, but there was nothing sectional or parochial about him. He belonged to the human race. The human race has produced many great people, but in wisdom and truth and holiness Jesus excelled them all, and of course he was without sin. Others guessed at truth. He was the Truth. He was the greatest Teacher who ever lived. For two thousand years, he has inspired millions to live and even die for him, because as C.S. Lewis declared, he was more than a great teacher. He didn’t give us the option of accepting him or following him because he was a great teacher. We either believe he was a con-artist or crazy, or he was who he said he was; THE SON OF GOD AND IN FACT GOD IN THE FLESH. We look at the human race—stained defiant, and corrupt. Then we look as Jesus—sinless, obedient, and pure. We ask if so fresh and sweet a stream could flow from such a bitter fountain. If the human race could produce one Jesus, why could it not produce more? Human nature cannot explain Jesus. “He was a root out of dry ground” The Christmas story is the most logical account for Jesus. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became pure, so that by his poverty you might became rich.” (2 Cor. 8:9 RSV) His was not a mere human birth. The Word became flesh in a miraculous incarnation. Jesus was not simply the son of Mary. He was the Son of God. His virgin birth was a miracle, but also the fact that His Heavenly Father loved us so much that he made it possible for him to be born of an eathly mother, Mary. 3It was a glorious day when God created man. It was an even great when GOD BECAME MAN. er day It was a wonderful day when God made man in his image. It was an even more wonderful day when God mad himself in man’s image. THIS IS THE MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS! LET US TELL IT TO THE WORLD! 4