Nobleton Community Church
29084 Sentinel Street PO Box 224
Nobleton, Florida 34661
Rev. Paul V. Lehmann, Pastor
Nobleton Community Church
Date February 2, 2025
Text Micah 6:1-8
Pastor Paul Lehmann
If you ever pick up a package of software at a big box electronics store, there’s one thing you want to be sure to do —check the system requirements. If you don’t have the right hardware the software won’t work. Do you want Excel? Microsoft Excel that is? If so, your computer will need to meet certain system requirements. I rarely use Excel—but I am told for the latest Excel version you will need a processor that is at least one gigahertz, and for business purposes two is better. With windows 11 and Office 365 it automatically adjusts to your software, but the amount of computer memory might be affected. Anyway, my point is that there are always minimum system requirements. I don’t do system downloads, but if you do, you better consult the requirements.
Of course, if you live in some parts of the country, more rustic parts perhaps, you have to do a translation because geek speak has a different meaning. For example; LOG ON means “Make the wood stove or fireplace hotter. LOG OFF means Don’t add no more wood. MONITOR —“Keep an eye on the wood stove. DOWNLOAD—Get the firewood off the truck. MEGA HERTZ; “ WELL —That’s what happens when you’re not careful as you get the firewood. And finally, LAPTOP is where the cat sleeps.
But getting back to system requirements. Beyond the minimum system requirements are recommended requirements. Recommendation for Excel might include a graphics processor since it helps increase the performance of certain features, such as drawing tables. System requirements and recommended requirements are the language in the world of computers.
It is also the language of; FAITHFUL LIVING.
In this relatively well-known Old Testament text we see that God lets us know in decidedly simple language just what is required to make His HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS work. If you want to “excel “ as a Christian you need to know the minimum and recommended requirements.
Paul tells us, in his letter to the Galatians, tells us: how a person is made right with God “not by the works (or righteousness) of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ (Gal. 2:16) This means that we enter into a saving relationship with God Through our willingness to trust Jesus, to rely on him to be our Savior but also our LORD. We are save through faith, and Paul assures us that there is “no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” Roman 8:1
But more is recommended for those who want to excel. In the book of Micah, (our text this morning), God says through the prophet: “Listen to what the Lord says; Stand up, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear what you have to say. Hear, you mountains, the accusation; listen, you everlasting foundations of the earth. For the Lord has a case against his people he is lodging a charge against Israel: (verses 1-2) They are like witnesses in a court room. It is on the mountain tops that the Israelites sacrificed to pagon idol gods even in their celebrations.
In this passage, God has a controversy with the people of Israel, one that will be settled in an unusual kind of courtroom. God will make his charges and the people will answer. Serving as judge and jury will be not a group of people (their peers), but the mountains and the hills.
“My people what have I done to you?” Asks God. “How have I burdened you? (or worried you)? Answer me! I brought you up out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery, and I sent Moses, to lead you, also Aaron, and Miriam. My people, remember what king Balak of Moab counseled, and what Balaam son of Beor answered. Remember , Your journey from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the saving and righteous acts of the Lord.( Micah verses 3-5)
God reminds the people of all the great things that have been done for them. Liberation from Egypt, rescue from slavery and the gift of leadership by Moses, Aaron and Miriam. As if these mighty acts are not enough, God asks them to remember the time that king Balak hired Balaam to speak a curse against Israel, which backfired and tuned into a blessing (Numbers 22-24). God concludes by reminding them of what happened along the journey from Shittim to Gilgal, as the people crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land.
“Isn’t this enough? Asks the Lord, with a note of hurt in his voice. “Aren’t these enough mighty and amazing acts of salvation?
Then the people respond. Feeling convicted of their faithlessness, they say, “With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? ” (Micah vss. 6-7).
The people are willing to give anything—absolutely anything—to be restored to a right relationship with God.
Thousands of rams. Ten thousands of rivers of oil. Even their Firstborn children. No price is too high. Like they were used to doing for the pagan gods. But thee are not God’s requirements. Instead, says the prophet Micah, the Lord requires something else. “He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but:
In Isaiah 57:15 We read: “God lives in a high and holy place…to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.
Jeremiah 22:3 “…Do what is just and right. Rescue from the land of the oppressor, the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherly or the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place.
Isaiah 1:17 “ Learn to do right, seek justice, encourage the oppressed,
defend the case of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
Hosea 6:6 “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice and acknowledgement of God, not burn offerings.
In the New Testament when the Pharisees questioned him for eating with tax collectors and sinners— we read in Matthew 9:3 “It is not the healthy that need a doctor , but the sick. Go and learn what this means “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” for I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” And in Matthew 23:23: “You have neglected the more important matter of the heart—justice, mercy and FAITHFULNESS.
And finally in Luke 11:42: ” …you neglect justice and the love of God”
These are God’s recommended system requirements. What was true for the Israelites is true for us. Yes, God’s minimum requirement is FAITH. But the recommended requirements go much farther: justice, kindness and a humble walk with God. Only then will we excel.
Notice that Micah’s answer reveals that God is much more interested in our daily activities that in our religious observances. Burnt offerings, gifts of oil—these are actions tied to spiritual ceremonies. What God requires, however, is a life lived with acts of justice, kindness and humility.
THE FIRST RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENT: Is to do justice (Act justly). Although the passage from Micah asks us to imagine a courtroom, this particular legal requirement does not require attorneys, judges and juries. Instead, the command to do justice applies to every aspect of our life—-It means treating others with fairness, equality and showing concern for people who are weak, powerless and exploited. This means living in a righteous way within society. Biblically speaking: a righteous person as a New Testament Christian, should live like Christ. He or she should live up to God’s standards of morality and ethical behavior and treats others fairly. It is hard for me to understand the person, who says they are a Christian, but their life style is anything but how Christ lived. When someone does not live up to God’s standard, their declaration is hollow. they say they belivee the Bible, but they don’t want to do what it says. They don’t want Jesus Christ interfering with their life.
My nephew in Michigan goes to an Evangelical Covenant Church. In his church, “doing justice” means not just helping people who are hurting, but addressing the causes of suffering. From a biblically-rooted perspective, they work to bring the love of Christ and the justice of God’s kingdom to the marginalized, the powerless and the oppressed. They act as advocates for victims of abuse, support micro-enterprise programs, battle human trafficking and work on racial reconciliation.
“Do justice, (or act justly)” says Micah. Not simply “support justice.” It ‘s a high-commitment, hands-on, everyday actvity.”
The second Recommended requirement is: LOVE KINDNESS.
The English word “kindness” is actually a weak translation of the Hebrew word hesed. which means love or love mercy, loyalty (actually covenant loyalty, and steadfast love, and faithfulness.” It lies at the heart of healthy relationships,, whether the bonds are marriages, close friendships or the relationship between God and his people. To “love kindness” (or show mercy) is to keep this loyalty and faithfulness at the heart of all your relationships. It means that you do not say hurtful things to people.
It means you think before you speak in an unkindly way, and ask yourself; “will what I think is so important to say to them, hurt them unnecessarily.” Would I want someone talking to me like that? Remember the words of Jesus, that we are to treat others, like we would like to be treated. Now, I don’t meant that we shouldn’t point out immoral behavior, or even when we see someone doing something to hurt others. but the Biblical way is to go to them and tell them in a kind and loving way, not an accusatory way in public. too often we think we have to make a spectacle of the wrong we allegedly see. Sometimes there are facts that we don’t know. If a person refuses to accept what we say, and it is truly a sin, biblically we should take an (elder of the church) with us to talk with them, then if they refuse to listen it is to be brought to the church. Rarely do we follow this procedure. If we don’t immediately confront them in public to humiliate them, we would just rather gossip about them behind their back. We rarely show HESED. (That is, mercy and loving kindness)
Another aspect of this kind of mercy and loving kindness or hesed, is a mom who spends day after thankless day spoon-feeding and wiping up after a disabled child. Hesed is a loving wife whose long-suffering, tearful prayers help her exhausted or discouraged husband from falling apart at the seams. Hesed is love that can be counted, decade after decade.”
If we are going to excel as Christians, we must travel with God over the course of life. Faith may begin with a momentary decision, but it matures through a ling journey of following God over many ups and downs, through mountaintop experiences and valleys of deep darkness. Along this path, we are challenged to walk humbly knowing that God is—and must remain–ahead of us, in charge, leading the way. As a N.T Christian who has the advantage of the power of the Holy Spirit, these ups and downs should be like bumps in the road. They should not drag you down to the depths of despair. We don’t have to wallow in discouragement, because no matter what the enemy of our souls throws at us, the “joy of the Lord is our strength.” Christ in us means Holy Spirit power. It means walking in victory, and not living , and wallowing in sin, not because we are so great, but because he is! When we live in that kind of submission to the control of the Holy Spirit, we can walk humbly with God. Because we realize how weak we are and how strong he is.
When Jesus describes himself as “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14″6) he is echoing this image of a journey. Jesus is our way, showing us exactly how we are to walk with God. When he first called his disciples, he didn’t say, “Agree to these fine points of theology”. Instead, he said “Follow me” (Matthew 4:19).
“Walk humbly with your God,” says Micah. Walk with the Lord Jesus, his Son, the one who is the way, in the life of faith, unlike the world of computers, we should never be satisfied with the bare minimum. “To have the strongest possible relationship with God and with each other, it is important to reach for the recommended system requirements. Doing justice, loving hesed (mercy and kindness) and journeying humbly with the Lord. As Christians this is the way to excel. Examine your efforts to please God. Examine the areas of your life that not only affect your relationship with the Lord but with others. Are you fair in your dealings with people? Do you show mercy to those who wrong you? Are you learning and walking in humility;