Nobleton Community Church
29084 Sentinel Street PO Box 224
Nobleton, Florida 34661

Rev. Paul V. Lehmann, Pastor


Nobleton Community Church
Date December 8, 2024
Text: Isaiah 9:6-7
Pastor Paul Lehmann

Listen to live audio here

Since the time when the Hebrew prophets first articulated this holy vision for world peace, more than 2000 years have passed. We bow our heads in despair, pray, weep and hope for peace The Orthodox Hasidic Jew who rocks back and forth in prayer at the wailing wall in Jerusalem, prays for the peace of Israel, that they will be able to live at peace with her Arab Palestinian Muslim neighbors.

From God comes the promise of peace. But in human history war persists and suffering conflict and anguish. Men are crying out for peace yet war is everywhere. This shouldn’t astonish us, because wars will increase There will be wars and rumors of war throughout the earth, until our Lord comes back again. No matter who is in the White House, and how determined the President is to make sure our troupes aren’t sent to the Middle East or Europe even though war and conflict continues on. Russia seems determined to take back the Ukraine North Korea sure wants to take back South Korea. The Sudan isn’t happy that the South was able to secede and declare themselves Christian, so they continue to kill and persecute Christians A few year ago Muslims in the Philippines stepped up and undeclared war against Christians and at that time more than 60,000 had been killed, as Muslims sought a separate state. In the Northeast part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Christians are being persecuted and blamed for all the problems of Eastern Congo.

There have always been wars. Ever since the Fall of man. When sin entered the world, sin has created a woeful need for a divine Prince who can restore peace.

In our text, we see that there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordon. In verse 2 we see that, “the people who were walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy, they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder. For as in the day of Midian’s defeat. You have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulder’s the rod of their oppressor…Then in the text we read this morning verses 6 and 7; “For to us a child is born to us a son is given. And the government will be on his shoulders, and he will be called, WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.”

The heart of man hungers for peace, the desire for peace is universal among all people. All North Americans want peace. The nations of Europs and the Middle East want peace, Asia, and Africa, the Islands and Latin and South America want peace. What do we mean when we say we want peace? Usually we just mean—stop the fighting, we don’t want anymore wars. But what about inner peace?

DO YOU HAVE PEACE WITH GOD? So we ask ourselves the question this morning:


Not only in the U.S but in the West in general, we have achieved the highest standard of living the world has ever known. Even though, that is being threatened by what has happened during the past economic crises.



The dollar has now fallen to a record low, and China and some other nations, are no longer basing their system on the dollar. We owe China more than any other country in the world, and i0 years ago we printed I trillion dollars to make a payment on this debt to them. We have absolutely nothing to base it on. Just one more thing pointing to the end times and the Great Tribulation.

One of the main reasons we do not see peace is that substitutes for the Prince of Peace have been accepted. Nations are not encouraged to depend upon God for peace. We place our faith in our armed services, nuclear weapons and radar that can control “smart bombs” and drones that can drop them, wherever we want. More recently we are beginning to depend on A.I. (Artificial Intelligence )

. Individuals have accepted substitutes for the Prince of Peace too. They look to education, wealth (how good is your port folio? And, friends, and health for peace. There is nothing wrong with any of these things particularly, unless they are what we depend on to satisfy our hearts and give us peace.

The messianic titles that were given to the Savior by the prophet Isaiah is helpful, and can help us understand who Jesus really is and how he can actually meet the needs of the human heart. We should be focusing our attention this time of year on Christ and God’s great redemption for us through Him. The names that were given to Him can help us to understand God’s living purposes for us.

Last week we talked about the fact that Immanuel means God with us. This should bring us HOPE. This prophecy was to give hope that the Great Creator of the Universe has come to be with us. First in the form of man—the man Christ Jesus, but then when He ascended into heave He sent His Holy Spirit to live within us and we also have hope –actually certainty—that he is coming back again.

Today we are focusing on just one of the names of Jesus; the Prince of Peace. All of the names the prophet mentioned help us understand who he is, but because he is the Prince of Peace, it means that he is able to give us inner peace within ourselves, and that is what people are missing.

Some people admire him as a good example or teacher. Perhaps you recall the words of C.S Lewis, who very harshly condemned those who only believed in Jesus as a good teacher. He said, and I paraphrase, You have three choices. Either Jesus was totally mad, because of the things he said, or he was the greatest fraud and con-artist of all time, or he was who he said he was; THE SON OF GOD. But don’t ever think such nonsense that he was just a good teacher. He never gave us that option. Then some think of him as a god among other gods like the Hindus, who have millions of gods. So to add one more like Jesus is not a big deal. The Muslims accept him as a prophet, among other prophets, but insist that Muhammad is the latest and the greatest prophet. They would never use the word wonderful to describe Jesus, like Isaiah does in our messianic prophecy.


The Hebrew word para, translated WONDERFUL means to separate, to distinguish, or to make great. It is applied usually to anything that is great or wonderful, as a miracle. It is applied here to denote the unusual and remarkable assemblage of qualities that distinguished the Messiah. Those are specified more particularly n the other part of the verse, such as Mighty God. The proper idea of the word is miraculous. It is saying, that the person here will be exalted above the ordinary course of nature and which who fulfils the definition of one who excites, amazes, causes wonderment, and admiration, whether it be miraculous or not. This same word is used in Jeremiah 32:17, where it clearly denotes the miraculous, but this idea is not necessarily connected with it. He says; “Ah Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and out-stretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.’”

So anything which excites wonder and amazement, from any cause, will correspond with the sense of the Hebrew word It is a word which expresses with great accuracy everything in relation to the Redemer.

For the messiah was wonderful in all things. It was wonderful love by which God gave him and by which he came. The manner of his birth was wonderful His humility, his self-denial, his sorrows were wonderful

His mighty works were wonderful. His dying agonies were wonderful and His resurrection, his ascension were all of such magnitude that it excites admiration and wonder.

God has done many wonderful things for us in and through Jesus Christ who is also The Mighty God.

Jesus is wonderful because of who He is. He is wonderful because of what he did. He is wonderful because of what he can do for you.

People have not accepted him as wonderful, but ;

Another reason we don’t have peace is because people haven’t accepted him as COUNSELOR

Our world is groping for counsel On an International level some very intelligent people are brought together to work out the problems that face the nations of the world. It’s called the United Nations. Unfortunately they never seem to be able to solve any problems. On the National level, the President tries to surround himself with good counselors, but doesn’t always get good advice, and when he does he doesn’t always listen to it. And on the personal level we seek counsel from all kinds of self-help books, from teachers, lawyers financial advisors doctors, and ministers, or anyone except the greatest counselor there is. It seems we are willing to seek advise from everyone else.

We have a living Savior who comes to dwell in our hearts in the person of the Hoy Spirit. He is our advocate or counselor. I John 2:1 tells us that if we sin we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense. This is what an advocate does. It is the root meaning of lawyer or Counselor which is the common word for defense attorney. He counsels us by means of the Word-the Scriptures. He is our helper and guide. The disciples were reminded that he would teach them and remind them of everything he had said to them. The Holy Spirit made use of their memories, and all their natural faculties. But let’s not forget the work of the Holy Spirit in making sure that they wrote what he inspired them to recall and write.

We are provided counsel through the written word that we can read and the preached word that is taught. He offers counsel in the quietness of our pers0nal prayer life and through the leading of the Holy Spirit, IF WE WILL LISTEN. It is important to be still and listen to the Lord when He is speaking to you, for HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL BRING PEACE.

We need to be like Samuel when God spoke to him he finally answered to God’s call: “SPEAK, LORD FOR YOUR SEVANT IS LISTENING.

We too, today should listen. He still speaks to those who are willing to listen—to hear. Even though he may not speak in an audible voice, when he speaks you will know it. And sometimes it is so strong that it certainly seems like an audible voice. When he does we need to response with —Yes Lord I am here, speak to me.: He longs to be you COUNSELOR—but then he want you to obey.

Then finally people can’t find PEACE because they have never accepted Jesus as their EVERLASTING FATHER. (Their FATHER OF ETERNITY)

An old story is told of a little girl on board an old sailing ship, and a terrible storm arose and as the waves increased and water poured onto the deck, she walked on the deck after leaving the bridge, and when the next day was asked was she afraid, she replied; “No not at all—My father is the captain, and he is at the helm.”

When the storms of life press around is, we should know that our Father is at the helm. He Is our “Forever Father.:

In Hebrew when someone possesses something he is called the “father” of it. So —the father of peace is PEACEFUL AND HE IS BRINGS PEACE FOREVER.


People want peace, but they want peace that they can understand. We read in the Word that Jesus gives peace beyond our understanding. Even professing Christians don’t always understand that:

The basic individual need of people is to experience


Jesus, the Prince of Peace provides peace with God

. His peace is, the peace that brings reconciliation with God the Father and fellowship with Him.

It is the peace of self-control through spiritual power and divine energy

His peace is the assurance that our sins have been forgiven.

With his presence it is possible for us to walk in peace with poise in the midst of storms. It makes it possible to cease fighting among ourselves in our nation, in our families, or in our church. He brings peace that is the peace of surrender to the role of love.

If we let his will become our will we will discover ourselves in harmony with God and everyone around us, especially in the body of Christ. The prophet Isaiah said; “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in you.”

Jesus can be more than just a name in history, or even a person whom you know a lot of facts about He can be WONDERFUL to you , He can be your COUNSELOR, he can be you MIGHTY GOD and ETERNAL FATHER, and he can truly be THE PRINCE OF PEACE TO YOU.