Nobleton Community Church
29084 Sentinel Street PO Box 224
Nobleton, Florida 34661

Rev. Paul V. Lehmann, Pastor


Nobleton Community Church
June 16, 2024
text: Genesis 15:5-7; 13-16 Romans 49-12

Pastor Paul Lehmann

Listen to live audio here

In the first 8 verses of chapter 4, we see that Abraham had faith which takes God at His word. The Jew regarded Abraham (whose name before God changed it, was Abram, which means “Exalted Father), as the great founder of the Jewish race, and the pattern of all that a man should be.

After the Lord had promised a son to Abram He spoke to him in a vision and told him to not be afraid, that He would protect him and that his reward would be great. At first Abraham wondered what good all of God’s blessing would be if he didn’t have a son. But God showed Abram the night sky and said to him, “Look up into the heavens and count the stars if you can. Your descendants will be like that—too many to count!”

“And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord declared him righteous because of his faith.” As God made this covenant with Abram he changed his name to-

Abraham which means: “Father of many.”

You see, it wasn’t because of anything that Abram had done, or hadn’t done, but only because of his FAITH, that he received the promise of God. What were his experiences concerning this question of being saved by faith? –This is Paul’s question in Romans 4:1. Was it because o his good deeds that God accepted him? If so, he would have had something to boast about. In Ephesians 2:8-10 we see that we are saved through faith not works so that we don’t boast about it. So from God’s point of view Abraham had no basis at all for pride. For the Scriptures tell us, “Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous.

The Jews were proud to be called children of Abraham. Paul uses Abraham as a good example of someone who was saved by faith. By emphasizing faith, Paul is not saying that God’s law is unimportant (verse 13), but that it is impossible to be saved simply by obeying it. If a person could earn right standing with God by being good, the granting of that gift wouldn’t be a free act; it would be an obligation. Our self-reliance is futile, all we can do is cast ourselves on God’s mercy and grace.

When some people learn that they are saved by God through faith, they start to worry “Do I have enough faith? They wonder. “Is my faith strong enough to save me?” If you are thinking like this, you have missed the point. It is Jesus Christ who saves us, not our feelings or actions, and he is strong enough to save us no matter how weak our faith is. Jesus offers us salvation as a gift because he loves us, not because we have earned it through our powerful faith. What, then is the role of saving faith? Faith is believing and trusting in Jesus Christ and reaching out to accept his wonderful gift of salvation.

Verse 4—6 “When people work, their wages are not a gift. Workers earn what they receive. But people are declared righteous because of their faith, not because of their work. King David spoke of this, describing the happiness of an undeserving sinner who is declared to be righteous:

(7-8) “Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose sin is no longer counted against them by the Lord.”

What can we do to get rid of guilt? King David was guilty of terrible sins that we talked about last week. Adultery, murder, lying, and yet he experienced the joy of forgiveness. We, too, can have this joy when we

1.) Quit denying our guilt and recognize that we have sinned.

2.) Admit our guilt to God and ask for his forgiveness.

3.) Let go of our guilt and believe that God has forgiven us.

This can be difficult when a sin has taken root in our life over many years, when it is very serious, or when it involves others. We must remember that Jesus is willing and able to forgive every sin. In view of the tremendous price he paid on the cross, it is arrogant to think that there is any sin too great for him to forgive. Even though our faith is weak, our conscience is sensitive, and our memory haunts us, Gods Word declares that sins confessed are sins forgiven.

(I John 1;9)

In Romans 4:9-12 Paul is declaring that Abraham is not the father of those who have been circumcised; he is the father of those who make the same act of faith in God as he made. He is the father of every man who in every age takes God at his Word as he did. A man may be circumcised, of pure Jewish linage, and yet not be a descendant of Abraham. Rituals did not earn any reward for Abraham. He had been blessed long before the circumcision ceremony was introduced. Abraham found favor with God by faith alone, before he was circumcised. (Gen. 17:1-14)

The key factor was faith. Abraham believed God. He had faith in what God told him. This was belief in the God who makes the impossible possible. Abraham was 99 years old, and Sarah was 89. It was biologically impossible for them to have children, yet God had promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars.

As long as we believe that everything depends on our efforts we are bound to be pessimists, for experience has taught us, (as well as the world tells us), and teaches us the grim lesson that our own effort can achieve very little.

The enemy of our souls (Satan), likes to convince us that we are not of any use; particularly if you are a man, and did not have a good example in your own father. Sometimes we might get to wondering if God really cares about us, and what is the purpose we have in life. Whether you have had children of your own or not, all the men here today have a purpose and God wants to use you, in whatever the number of years left that you have in your life. He wants to use you as a father to grown up children or a grandfather to yours or other peoples children in the community where you live. He cares about you. He knows where you are, both physically and spiritually.

Perhaps you have read the collection of true stories entitled “Chicken Soup for the Soul for the Christian Soul.” There is a powerful illustration of the importance of recognizing that our faith is in a God of the impossible, and that He cares about us, both those who are faithful to Him, and those who are struggling.

The account is given about a traveling missionary evangelist and his family. His name is Ken Gaub. It had always been his goal to help those who were hurting. He said; “ Some people just need a little boost, and I wanted to influence their lives in a positive way.” He and his family conducted crusades not only throughout America but in many foreign countries. He established a magazine, a radio and television ministry and a youth outreach program.

But sometimes even preachers get drained and discouraged, and they wonder if they should consider another line of work. That was how Ken felt one day in the 1970s as he, his wife, Barbara, and their children drove their two ministry buses down 1-75 just south of Dayton, Ohio. He wondered silently as they traveled along; “God am I doing any good, traveling around like this, telling people about you? Is this what you want me to do?

“Hey, Dad let’s get some pizza!” one of Ken’s sons suggested. Still lost in thought, Ken turned off at the next exit, Route 741, where one sign after another advertised a wide variety of fast food. A sign, Ken thought. That’s what I need, God, a sign.

Ken’s son and daughter-in-law had already maneuvered the second bus into a pizza parlor’s parking lot, and they stood waiting as Ken pulled up. The rest of the family bounced down the steps. Ken sat staring into space. “Coming?” Barbara asked. “I’m not really hungry,” Ken told her. “I’ll stay out here and stretch my legs.”

Barbara followed the others into the restaurant, and Ken stepped outside, closed the bus doors, and looked around. Noticing a Dairy Queen, he strolled over, bought a soft drink, and ambled back, still pondering. He was exhausted. But were his doldrums a sign of permanent burnout?

A persistent ringing broke Ken’s concentration. The jangle was coming from a pay telephone. ( You remember those don’t you?—before the days of cell phones). There was a telephone booth at the service station right next to the Dairy Queen. As Ken approached the booth, he looked to see if anyone in the station was coming to answer the phone. But the attendant continued his work, seemingly oblivious to the ringing because of the noise of the traffic. Why doesn’t someone answer it? Ken wondered, growing irritated. What if it is an emergency?

The insistent ringing went on, Ten rings, Fifteen…Curiosity overcame Ken’s lethargy. Walking to the booth, he lifted the receiver. “Hello?”

Long-distance call for Ken Gaub,” came the voice of the operator. Ken was stunned. “You’re crazy!” he said. Then, realizing his rudeness, he tried to explain. “This can’t be! I was just walking down the road here, and the phone was ringing—“ The operator ignored his ramblings. “Is Ken Gaub there?” she asked. “I have a long-distance phone call for him.”

Was this a joke? He looked around to see if there was a Candid Camera crew that surely must appear. But no one came. His family was eating pizza in a randomly selected restaurant just a few yards from where he stood. And no one else knew he was here.

I have a long-distance call for Ken Gaub, sir, the operator said again, obviously reaching the limits of her patience. “Is he there, or isn’t he?”

Operator, I’m Ken Gaub,” Ken said, still unable to make sense of it. Are you sure?” the operator asked, but just then, Ken heard another woman’s voice on the telephone. “Yes, that’s him, Operator!” she said. “Mr. Gaub, I’m Millie from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. You don’t know me, but I’m desperate. Please help me.”

What can I do for you? Ken asked. The operator hung up.

Mille began to weep, and Ken waited patiently for her to regain control. Finally she explained: “I was about to kill myself, and I started to write a suicide note. Then I began to pray and tell God I really didn’t want to do this.” Through her desolation, Millie remembered seeing Ken on television. If she could just talk to that nice, kindly minister, the one with the understanding attitude….

“I knew it was impossible because I didn’t know how to reach you,” Millie went on, calmer now. “So I started to finish the note. And then some numbers came into my mind, and I wrote them down.” She began to weep again. Silently Ken prayed for the wisdom to help her.

I looked at those numbers,” Millie continued tearfully, and I thought—wouldn’t it be wonderful if I had a miracle from God, and he has given me Ken’s phone number? I can’t believe I’m talking to you. Are you in your office in California?”

“I don’t have an office in California,” Ken explained. “It’s in Yakima, Washington.” Then where are you?” Millie asked, puzzled. Ken was even more bewildered. “Millie, don’t you know? You made the call.” “But I don’t know what area this is.” Millie had dialed the long-distance operator and given the numbers to her, making it a person-to-person call. And she had found Ken in a parking lot in Dayton, Ohio.

Ken gently counseled the woman, Soon she received Jesus into her life, the one who would lead her out of her situation into a new life. Then he hung up the phone, still dazed. Would his family believe this incredible story? Perhaps he shouldn’t tell anyone about it.

But he had prayed for an answer, and he had received just what he needed—a renewed sense of purpose, a glimpse of the value of his work, and electrifying awareness of God’s concern for each of his children—all in an encounter that could only have been arranged by his heavenly Father.

Ken’s heart overflowed with joy. “Barb,” he exclaimed as his wife climbed back into the bus, “ you won’t believe this!. GOD KNOWS WHERE I AM!”

He has a purpose for each one of us!


As we read in Galatians; let’s not become weary in doing good because in due time we will reap a harvest. Let’s continue to be faithful to our Heavenly Father.