2023/ In January of this year, a Facebook page was created for the church
2003/ 75th anniversary
2000/ Nobleton streets repaved
1986/ first full-time pastor (Rev. Melvin Pederson)
1979/ fellowship hall built
1978/ 50th anniversary
1977/ plans made for social center
1976/ entrance to the church on Croom road changed to Second St. to face north
1963/ 35th anniversary
1947/ garage built by donated labor
1941/ parsonage next door willed to the church
1928/ march 18th new church building dedicated
1927/ 600 dollars paid for lot for church on 11/18
1926/ Dr John D. C. Hanna, a retired minister who had come south for his health arrived in Nobleton. he responded to the community’s need for church services and held an hour of worship in an empty cottage. since several denominations were represented, membership was based on the creed:
–“I accept Jesus Christ as my savior and lord and will endeavor so to live that the world may be better and brighter for my stay”
–this is still displayed on the wall of the church
–17 members became charter members in November
1925/ Harry Nobles began a development and called it Nobleton. Within a year, 90 houses had been built, streets were graded and a water system was installed. Soon afterward, came a grocery store, hardware store, and a lumber yard. he expected 120 families to arrive by early 1926 and was building an average of 15 houses each month
–(see bkvl. herald: 9/24/1925 – 1/14/1926 and 1/21/1926)